Strategic Commitments

Strategic Commitments. Read content below

Most successful organizations have a clear sense of where they want to go, and a plan on how to get there.
The following Strategic Commitments captures our vision and the plan to achieve it. 

The Strategic Commitments Graphic outlines the District’s vision, aspirational statement, guiding pillars, standards of excellence, commitment to equity and values. Read more below.

The District’s vision is to be an exceptional, continuously improving learning culture with high expectations, committed to all! 

Aspirational statement: We are inspired to be a community grounded in fostering strengths, growth, and lifelong learning. Every student. Every future. 

This statement was one of three elements found on this page that was created by the District Values Team (DVT) with input from students, staff, parents, and the community. It is a shorter-term vision designed to reach the board’s vision. It helps answer the question: What do we aspire to be as the District begins its second century of existence?

Following the path is our equity statement…the second element created by the DVT: Portage Public Schools is an inclusive environment providing each individual access to resources and opportunities for success. This statement will serve as a lens through which we view our students to make certain that they each get what they need to be successful for the future they choose.

At the bottom of the page, and the third element created by the DVT, are the common values that are at the foundation of who we are:

  • Respect

  • Honesty

  • Accountability

  • Growth

  • Integrity

  • Compassion

Between the equity statement and values are our Standards of Service Excellence:

  • Provide service with respect

  • Act with integrity

  • Own the interaction

  • Communicate clearly

  • Be part of the team

The Standards of Excellence were developed by our front line and back office service providers to capture how we want to treat the customers we serve. The standards closely integrate with the pillars of Service Excellence and Stewardship and, as expected, incorporate and reflect some of the foundational values.

At the center of the page, and central to all the work we do are our four pillars. Each pillar contains a high level goal statement for our organization. 

  • Student Success- how we ensure our student thrive

  • People and Culture- how we value our employees

  • Service Excellence- how we serve our community, both internal and external

  • Stewardship- how we are responsible for the resources we are provided. 

Continuous Improvement

Each of our 14 schools within PPS are working to continuously improve within our four pillars, which are explained above. Each year, building leadership identifies goals, action steps and monitoring benchmarks to improve student success, people and culture, service excellence and stewardship.

Click here to view the building Continuous Improvement Overviews.