pps news

UPDATE: School is closed Thursday, May 9, 2024. 

Dear PPS Community,

Even as we are experiencing blue skies and calm weather, many in our community are still coping with the aftermath of last night’s storms and tornadoes. It is no different with our schools.  This is an update on the complex issues we face as we try to decide if it will be possible to re-open schools tomorrow and the remainder of the week. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU BY ALL THE USUAL MEANS IF SCHOOL IS CLOSED TOMORROW.

Fortunately it appears that no PPS school buildings were damaged by the tornadoes and we are grateful for that. However, damage in other areas of our community are having an impact.

  • Internet and Phone connectivity: Significant damage to fiber optic cables in the community means several PPS buildings may be without phone service and/or internet for the next few days.

  • Road closures and blockages: These may impact our ability to transport students to and from school safely.

  • Power outages: We anticipate power to be restored to all buildings by this evening, but it is not a certainty just yet. 

  • Student safety and wellbeing: Our Crisis Team is working on how they can support students and families.

  • High School International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement exams: We are working on how and when these important exams can be rescheduled. 

District leadership is working through these issues. We want to get students back in school as soon as possible where we can restore a sense of normalcy and security as we approach the last several weeks of school. However, safety of our students and staff have to be our top concern.  

We don’t have the answers at the moment, but as we are updated by local authorities, utilities, and emergency management, we will NOTIFY YOU as soon as possible IF SCHOOL IS CLOSED, but it may be as late as tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience as we work through this challenging situation and stay safe. 

If you are the parent or guardian of a child served by PPS and have specific concerns about your student’s wellbeing, please contact your building principal so that we can ensure that support is provided. 

Ready.gov has a resource for coping with disasters. That resource can be found at the following link: https://www.ready.gov/coping-disaster

Another resource from The National Child Trauma Stress Network that is more specific about tornado recovery is a guide for parents and caregivers for helping a child after a tornado. The link is included below:


Thank you,

The PPS Executive Team