Globe with world languages month and huskie and mustang logos

In celebration of World Languages Month, we wanted to share what we have learned as colleagues throughout the district have worked to prepare for curriculum improvements ahead. Each week in March we will share different aspects of learning a new language and what that process can do for our kids.

Cross-Curricular Benefits of World Language

There are so many advantages for learning another language – and many of those show up in other classes! During the research phase of the PPS World Language Curriculum Review Cycle, we learned a great deal from the most current research: 

Reading & Literacy

  • Decades of research shows that second-language learning improves reading in first language

Mathematics & Problem Solving

  • Language instruction improves performance in several mathematical domains

  • It also helps improve memory and brain function

Overall Achievement

  • Improves attention span 

  • Improves scores on standardized testing 

  • Builds empathy within our students

  • Fosters respect, appreciation and understanding of other cultures

  • Improves cognitive and creative abilities 

  • Promotes social and emotional growth along with perseverance and critical thinking

  • Creates employment and career opportunities

  • Enhances travel experiences